Kem cho!
Birthdays are special, oh yes they are, and the occasion becomes extra special when you are celebrating it for the 50th time! Gujarat Vihar Swarnim Jayanti Mahotsav was conducted with much fanfare and a lot of excitement and enthusiasm that was infused into the program by the society’s many ardent fans who we know as its residents. You may feel that it is unfair to talk about a society because the author belongs to it, but no, we are in fact encouraging you to send in your own account of things happening in the locality so that it can be shared with everybody.
For now, here’s a run through of what happened on an exciting weekend!
Date : Saturday, 24th April
Time : 7:00 pm
With the evening setting in and the members of the colony returning home from their work, it had never looked so beautiful. With multi coloured lights flooding the streets and many shades of tent adorning the green lawns, it would only be apt to say that the colony was dressed up like a bride about to get married! People started coming in and soon enough the place became abuzz with activity. It was now time to begin the show which kids, youngsters and adults alike had been preparing for many days putting in all the efforts for the colony they all love to call their own ‘Gujarat Vihar’.
A colony is made up by its people, and therefore the first program on the cards was Q&A session with the residents of the colony who had gathered there. The old generation, the newly weds, the youngsters and the uncle aunties, they all shared their experiences of growing up with the colony, of saying what they miss and suggesting what changes they want. It was a lot of fun hearing everybody talk at a public forum in the society premises about things close to their heart. Kids, especially tiny toddlers are the jaan and shaan ofevery place! Similar was the case here, and immediately after the Q&A, we had the cutest fancy dress competition for kids aged under 10 with Lakshman ji, Elephant, Dietician, Ranbir Kapoor and many more characters gracing us with their presence. The audience loved every bit of it, wish we could have some more J . If you happen to cut the veins of any person from the 110 plots we house, you will definitely find dance flowing in it! 3 little angel like creatures stole everybody’s heart with their performance on Pappu can’t Dance.

Every place has its own unique characteristics, features and people. Taking on the mammoth task of imitating all sorts of people were young kids again who presented a skit on ‘A day in Gujarat Vihar’ . They held their stomachs, tears came out of their eyes, they went up and down on their chairs, they all had the time of their life. People laughed like they had never laughed before, the skit turned out to be a laugh riot and actors performed brilliantly.
Dayra is close to every Gujarati’s heart, and the night of 24th April was to relive all the moments listening to wonderful rendition by some of the finest singers who had come all the way from Gujarat. And thus late in the night ended day 1 of Swarnim Mahotsav, with everybody going back to have a peaceful sleep only to be ready for an even more action packed day two!
Date : Sunday, 25th April
Time : 5:30 pm
With the IPL final set to begin at 8 pm, the stage was set for an early evening start to the proceedings. The kids were at it again! Short skit depicting the plight of animals with a hunter being reprimanded for his doings served as an ideal start point to showcase the sensible generation that is growing up. Sania Mirza along with the Pandit Ji who apparently got her married next turned up on stage! While a lot of discussions with the colony members happened last day, there was so much more that still needed to be talked about. So the floor was once more thrown open to the audience and what came out were beautiful memories from the past which were not yet known to many of us. It was then time for the adolescents to show their Jalwa! Dance upon Dance, applause upon applause, the people kept grooving to the beats of the peppy numbers and the dancers danced like they owned the stage. All in all, a rocking dhamakedaar performance! The skit about members of the colony was liked so much by everyone that it was repeated on day two to have gathered not just as many, but more laughs, appreciation and love from the audience.

When the guests for the day arrived, it was time for the official lamp lighting ceremony with senior office bearers from the society welcoming them. Everybody shared their thoughts about the growth of the colony and wished that it only grows further from here. The official souvenir commemorating the 50 years of existence of the colony was then released by the guest of honour amidst thunderous applause.
To culminate, we moved towards the even that everybody had been waiting for. Never seen before, never conceived before, one of its kind Fashion Show including members of all age groups between 16 and 60! Lights, Camera , Action! They walked like they were from the fashion industry, they were dressed like they came straight out of their own weddings, they exuded confidence like they have been doing this for ages! They all rocked, they all rocked big time!
And thus we came to the end of this 2 day marathon extravaganza with all participants up on the stage dancing and chanting AR Rahman’s Jay Ho! Fun filled days laden with excitement, energy and vigour were enjoyed by one and all, and they will love on to be in the memories of all those who attended. Wishing Gujarat Vihar a very Happy 50th Birthday, may the colony live on to be many centuries old.
Jai Gujarat Jai Hind Jai Ho!